Movie poster | The Pinch (2018)
concepted & created theatrical movie poster for the contemporary LA film noir “The Pinch”, directed by Ashley Scott Meyers.
Made a series of concept sketches to work with director as we shaped our ideas on how to do the final poster.
Client: Ashley Scott Meyers

The Pinch 
Imdb | Amazon | iTunes


Movie poster |  The Pinch | contemporary film noir set in Los Angeles (2018)




Movie poster | The Pinch | Concept Sketches for “The Pinch” movie poster  (2018)




Movie poster | The Pinch | Concept Sketches for “The Pinch” movie poster  (2018)




Movie poster | The Pinch | Concept Sketches for “The Pinch” movie poster | Approved Concept Sketch  (2018)




Final movie poster | The Pinch  (2018)

